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Community Programs

Community ProgramsWith generous support from our donors, Snow Pond is making music and arts education more accessible to every student in central Maine.

Snow Pond Community Arts

Currently offering private piano and voice lessons with the area’s finest music teachers.

Outreach Program

Snow Pond strives to offer music making opportunities to as many students as possible and is proud to partner with neighboring schools and organizations to offer music classes on site at the following partner locations.

  • The Alfond Youth Center, Waterville
  • Kents Hill School, Kents Hill
  • Augusta School Childcare Program, Augusta
  • The Augusta YMCA, Augusta

Give Today to the Snow Pond Community Programs



Change Lives with Music

It's time to join the new club in town!

Friends of Snow Pond

Friends of Snow Pond provides scholarship and musical instruments to connect students with music learning opportunities.

Please help Snow Pond fill its stages with kids & music.

Your $100 donation to The Friends of Snow Pond will make a difference in a child's life today!


As a member of Friends of Snow Pond you will be:

  • Listed on The Friends of Snow Pond web page 
  • Included as a sponsor in Snow Pond Presents, a year-round magazine
  • Included in Snow Pond's social media campaigns 
  • Invited to the Snow Pond Sponsor Appreciation Night
  • Gifted two tickets to Snow Pond's Summer Concert Finale! 
Give Today to Friends of Snow Pond

Emerys Meat ProduceSnow Pond Center for the Arts is privileged to have the support of community partners who make it possible for us to present the artistic and cultural programming that enriches the quality of life in central Maine.

Sponsors receive a limited number of complimentary tickets to a Snow Pond Summer Series Concert and may also elect to host a private reception at Snow Pond Center for the Arts, prior to or after a performance.

For more information about our sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

John Wiggin

207.465.9648 ext. 104  

Sponsorships are available for a minimum of $100.

Visit Our Sponsors

Planned GivingIncluding New England Music Camp/Snow Pond Center for the Arts in your estate plan or establishing a trust or similar tax-advantaged life-income gift leaves a legacy for future generations.

Consider the following options:

  1. Gifts through wills or qualified pension plans: Testamentary gifts, made by a will or a revocable trust, are an excellent way to support Snow Pond Center for the Arts without sacrificing lifetime concerns. Individuals may also name Snow Pond Center for the Arts as the final remainder beneficiary with income and estate tax advantages.
  2. Life Income Gifts: Please contact John Wiggin (207-465-9648, ext 104) to discuss options for Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Gift Annuities, and other investment vehicles.

 Ways To Give

MAIL: Send a check payable to Snow Pond Center for the Arts to Snow Pond Center for the Arts, Att: Development, 8 Goldenrod Lane, Sidney, ME 04330

PHONE: Make a gift or receive information about wire or stock transfer options by calling 207-465-9648.

GIFTS-IN-KIND: We are pleased to consider gifts-in-kind of musical instruments and other property. To discuss a donation, please contact John Wiggin at 207-465-9648, Ext 104.

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Hidden Gem

KVCC Logo Cleaned Up Dec 2015 by MinutemanSigns HIGH RES 100x100Snow Pond Center for the Arts campus is a lovely hidden gem that brings our region so much arts and culture with their concerts, students, and amazing staff! - - Katie Daugherty, President/CEO, Kennebec Valley Chamber

Snow Pond Center for the Arts

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