NEMC Logo 2022 200px

Music & FriendshipIn Harmony


(207) 465-3025

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12:00 Lunch
11:45 Jazz Ensembles, Lessons, Chamber Groups
10:30 Orchestras, Lessons, Practice, Chamber Groups
9:15 Choral Groups, Lessons, Practice, Classes
8:00 Bands, Lessons, String Groups, Practice
7:25 Breakfast
1:30 Rest Period
7:30 Evening Activities
7:20 Colors - Flag Ceremony
6:15 Dinner
6:10 Colors - Flag Ceremony
4:45 Optional Hour (recreation, practice, rehearsals)
3:40 Recreational Period II
2:40 Recreational Period I

Summers at New England Music Camp are magical! Each session, 180 students from all across the country join together on the beautiful 40-acre lakefront campus for an enriching experience of music, fun, and friendship.

The program at NEMC is designed to give students ages 11-18 the opportunity to immerse themselves in music while still enjoying the fun and friendship of summer.

Core Session at NEMC features a wide range of musical options for all campers!

Our 1:4 faculty-to-student ratio provides an environment rich in sharing and learning. Students and their teachers at home often remark that “one summer of music at NEMC is like a year at home”! 

26 July Rehearsal1 3

Read more: Music at NEMC...

ryan briana banquet
All cabin activities, social events, and recreational activities are led by a counseling staff made up of professional Head Counselors who oversee a staff of 25 college students. A counselor’s primary role is to support and encourage each camper. 

Read more: Recreation &...

Beginning in Summer 2023, New England Music Camp will be moving toward a more community-centered model. In order to create a deeper sense of community, all faculty, staff, administration, counselors, and campers will share responsibilities at concerts, in the cabins, at meals, etc. Because of this change, we will no longer be offering work study since the entire camp will now be sharing these responsibilities. 

Read more: Community...

PopsConcert 40

Our idyllic 40-acre lakeside wooded campus is home to an impressive number of well-maintained buildings, dorms, cabins, and some of the finest performance facilities in the country.

Read more: Facilities &...

  • 190-200 Campers at Core Camp
  • Balanced emphasis on musical growth and personal/social growth.
  • 4:1 faculty to student ratio.
  • Band, Orchestra, Choral, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Piano, Classical Guitar.
  • Campers design individualized program of morning classes and afternoon recreational activities.
  • Daily one on one coaching and instruction from a professional music faculty.
  • Two 1/2 hour private lessons weekly.
  • Opportunities to audition for Honor Recital Performances
  • All major ensembles perform weekly in one of the largest outdoor performing venues in the United States.

CandleLight 2

Snow Pond Center for the Arts

News & Updates

Snow Pond Music Festival and New England Music Camp Announce Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator and Associate Camp Director

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